Career Coaching
Our career coaching program is tailored to the clients’ actual requirements and will work in partnership to support the client engage their career potential
As your coach, I will work with you to help gain an understanding of your skills, talent and strengths and hold the space to develop a deep sense of clarity about your career path and what it will take to realise your true potential and aspirations.
A career coach can help you:
- Gain clarity and connect with your career path
- Explore and understand your unique strengths
- Strengthen your self beliefs and confidence
- Gain an understanding of how best to transition into your own business start up
- Understand the importance of work life balance (self care)
- Identify your passion/s in life
- Transform and become more creative
- Plan your next career move and much more
To find ouot more about Wariga Molla Career Coaching send us an email.